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Version: Latest-3.4


You can view the dependency relationship of asynchronous materialized views by querying the view object_dependencies.

The following fields are provided in object_dependencies:

object_idID of the object.
object_nameThe name of the object.
object_databaseThe Database where the object is located.
object_catalogThe catalog where the object is located. This field is always default_catalog.
object_typeThe type of the object. This field is always MATERIALIZED_VIEW.
ref_object_idID of the referenced object.
ref_object_nameThe name of the referenced object.
ref_object_databaseThe database where the referenced object is located.
ref_object_catalogThe catalog where the referenced object is located.
ref_object_typeThe type of the referenced object.


MySQL > SELECT * FROM sys.object_dependencies\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
object_id: 11115
object_name: mv2
object_database: test_db
object_catalog: default_catalog
ref_object_id: 11092
ref_object_name: mv1
ref_object_database: test_db
ref_object_catalog: default_catalog
ref_object_type: MATERIALIZED_VIEW
*************************** 2. row ***************************
object_id: 11092
object_name: mv1
object_database: test_db
object_catalog: default_catalog
ref_object_id: 11074
ref_object_name: test_tbl
ref_object_database: test_db
ref_object_catalog: default_catalog
ref_object_type: OLAP

The above example indicates that the materialized view mv1 is created based on the StarRocks internal table test_tbl, and the materialized view mv2 is created based on the materialized view mv1.