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Version: Latest-3.4


Split string str by regexp expression pattern, return maximum max_split elements in ARRAY<VARCHAR> type.


regexp_split(str, pattern[, max_split])


str: required, the string to split, which must evaluate to a VARCHAR value.

pattern: required, the regexp expression pattern used to split, which must evaluate to a VARCHAR value.

max_split: optional, the number of maximum elements in the output value, which must evaluate to an INT value.

Return value

Returns an ARRAY<VARCHAR> value.


mysql> select regexp_split('StarRocks', '');
| regexp_split('StarRocks', '') |
| ["S","t","a","r","R","o","c","k","s"] |

mysql> select regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]');
| regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]') |
| ["","tar","ocks"] |

mysql> select regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]', 1);
| regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]', 1) |
| ["StarRocks"] |

mysql> select regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]', 2);
| regexp_split('StarRocks', '[SR]', 1) |
| ["","tarRocks"] |