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Version: Latest-3.3



Extracts all substrings from the target string (str) that matches a regular expression pattern (pattern) and corresponds to the regex group index specified by pos. This function returns an array.

In regex, groups are enclosed within the parentheses () and numbered by counting their opening parentheses from left to right, starting from 1. For example, ([[:lower:]]+)C([[:lower:]]+) is to match lowercase letters to the left or right side of the uppercase letter C. This pattern contains two groups: ([[:lower:]]+) to the left of C is the first group and ([[:lower:]]+) to the right of C is the second group.

The pattern must completely match some parts of str. If no matches are found, an empty string is returned.

This function is supported from v3.1.10.


ARRAY<VARCHAR> regexp_extract_all(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR pattern, BIGINT pos)


  • str: the string to be matched.

  • pattern: the regular expression pattern used to match substrings.

  • pos: pattern may contain multiple groups. pos indicates which regex group to extract.

Return value

Returns an ARRAY that consists of VARCHAR elements.


-- Return all the letters that match group 1 in the pattern.
MySQL > SELECT regexp_extract_all('AbCdE', '([[:lower:]]+)C([[:lower:]]+)', 1);
| regexp_extract_all('AbCdE', '([[:lower:]]+)C([[:lower:]]+)', 1) |
| ['b'] |

-- Return all the letters that match group 2 in the pattern.
MySQL > SELECT regexp_extract_all('AbCdExCeF', '([[:lower:]]+)C([[:lower:]]+)', 2);
| regexp_extract_all('AbCdExCeF', '([[:lower:]]+)C([[:lower:]]+)', 2) |
| ['d','e'] |
