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Version: Candidate-3.4


Subtracts specified minutes from the date, accurate to the minute.


DATETIME minutes_sub(DATETIME|DATE date, INT minutes);


  • date: the base date. It must be of the DATETIME or DATE type.

  • minutes: the minutes to reduce. It must be of the INT type, it could be greater, equal or less than zero.

Return value

Returns a DATETIME value.

Returns NULL if either date or minutes is NULL.


select minutes_sub('2022-01-01 01:03:01', 2);
| minutes_sub('2022-01-01 01:03:01', 2) |
| 2022-01-01 01:01:01 |
select minutes_sub('2022-01-01 01:01:01', -1);
| minutes_sub('2022-01-01 01:01:01', -1) |
| 2022-01-01 01:02:01 |
select minutes_sub('2022-01-01', 1);
| minutes_sub('2022-01-01', 1) |
| 2021-12-31 23:59:00 |