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Version: Latest-3.4


Obtains the maximum value of a bitmap. If the bitmap is NULL, this function returns NULL. If the bitmap is empty, this function returns NULL by default.




bitmap: the bitmap whose maximum value you want to obtain. Only the BITMAP data type is supported. You can specify a bitmap that you construct by using functions such as bitmap_from_string.

Return value

Returns a value of the LARGEINT data type.


MySQL > select bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string("0, 1, 2, 3"));
| bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string("0, 1, 2, 3")) |
| 3 |

MySQL > select bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string("-1, 0, 1, 2"));
| bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string("-1, 0, 1, 2")) |
| NULL |

MySQL > select bitmap_max(bitmap_empty());
| bitmap_max(bitmap_empty()) |
| NULL |

mysql> select bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string("1, 16501189037412846863"));
| bitmap_max(bitmap_from_string('1, 16501189037412846863')) |
| 16501189037412846863 |
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