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Version: Latest-3.4



This view does not apply to the available features in StarRocks.

routines contains all stored routines (stored procedures and stored functions).

The following fields are provided in routine:

SPECIFIC_NAMEThe name of the routine.
ROUTINE_CATALOGThe name of the catalog to which the routine belongs. This value is always def.
ROUTINE_SCHEMAThe name of the database to which the routine belongs.
ROUTINE_NAMEThe name of the routine.
ROUTINE_TYPEPROCEDURE for stored procedures, FUNCTION for stored functions.
DTD_IDENTIFIERIf the routine is a stored function, the return value data type. If the routine is a stored procedure, this value is empty.
ROUTINE_BODYThe language used for the routine definition. This value is always SQL.
ROUTINE_DEFINITIONThe text of the SQL statement executed by the routine.
EXTERNAL_NAMEThis value is always NULL.
EXTERNAL_LANGUAGEThe language of the stored routine.
PARAMETER_STYLEThis value is always SQL.
IS_DETERMINISTICYES or NO, depending on whether the routine is defined with the DETERMINISTIC characteristic.
SQL_DATA_ACCESSThe data access characteristic for the routine. The value is one of CONTAINS SQL, NO SQL, READS SQL DATA, or MODIFIES SQL DATA.
SQL_PATHThis value is always NULL.
SECURITY_TYPEThe routine SQL SECURITY characteristic. The value is one of DEFINER or INVOKER.
CREATEDThe date and time when the routine was created. This is a DATETIME value.
LAST_ALTEREDThe date and time when the routine was last modified. This is a DATETIME value. If the routine has not been modified since its creation, this value is the same as the CREATED value.
SQL_MODEThe SQL mode in effect when the routine was created or altered, and under which the routine executes.
ROUTINE_COMMENTThe text of the comment, if the routine has one. If not, this value is empty.
DEFINERThe user named in the DEFINER clause (often the user who created the routine).
DATABASE_COLLATIONThe collation of the database with which the routine is associated.