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Version: Latest-3.4



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events provides information about Event Manager events.

The following fields are provided in events:

EVENT_CATALOGThe name of the catalog to which the event belongs. This value is always def.
EVENT_SCHEMAThe name of the database to which the event belongs.
EVENT_NAMEThe name of the event.
DEFINERThe user named in the DEFINER clause (often the user who created the event).
TIME_ZONEThe event time zone, which is the time zone used for scheduling the event and that is in effect within the event as it executes. The default value is SYSTEM.
EVENT_BODYThe language used for the statements in the event's DO clause. The value is always SQL.
EVENT_DEFINITIONThe text of the SQL statement making up the event's DO clause; in other words, the statement executed by this event.
EVENT_TYPEThe event repetition type, either ONE TIME (transient) or RECURRING (repeating).
EXECUTE_ATFor a one-time event, this is the DATETIME value specified in the AT clause of the CREATE EVENT statement used to create the event, or of the last ALTER EVENT statement that modified the event. The value shown in this column reflects the addition or subtraction of any INTERVAL value included in the event's AT clause. For example, if an event is created using ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_DATETIME + '1:6' DAY_HOUR, and the event was created at 2018-02-09 14:05:30, the value shown in this column would be '2018-02-10 20:05:30'. If the event's timing is determined by an EVERY clause instead of an AT clause (that is, if the event is recurring), the value of this column is NULL.
INTERVAL_VALUEFor a recurring event, the number of intervals to wait between event executions. For a transient event, the value is always NULL.
INTERVAL_FIELDThe time units used for the interval which a recurring event waits before repeating. For a transient event, the value is always NULL.
SQL_MODEThe SQL mode in effect when the event was created or altered, and under which the event executes.
STARTSThe start date and time for a recurring event. This is displayed as a DATETIME value, and is NULL if no start date and time are defined for the event. For a transient event, this column is always NULL. For a recurring event whose definition includes a STARTS clause, this column contains the corresponding DATETIME value. As with the EXECUTE_AT column, this value resolves any expressions used. If there is no STARTS clause affecting the timing of the event, this column is NULL.
ENDSFor a recurring event whose definition includes a ENDS clause, this column contains the corresponding DATETIME value. As with the EXECUTE_AT column, this value resolves any expressions used. If there is no ENDS clause affecting the timing of the event, this column is NULL.
STATUSThe event status. One of ENABLED, DISABLED, or SLAVESIDE_DISABLED. SLAVESIDE_DISABLED indicates that the creation of the event occurred on another MySQL server acting as a replication source and replicated to the current MySQL server which is acting as a replica, but the event is not presently being executed on the replica.
CREATEDThe date and time when the event was created. This is a DATETIME value.
LAST_ALTEREDThe date and time when the event was last modified. This is a DATETIME value. If the event has not been modified since its creation, this value is the same as the CREATED value.
LAST_EXECUTEDThe date and time when the event last executed. This is a DATETIME value. If the event has never executed, this column is NULL.LAST_EXECUTED indicates when the event started. As a result, the ENDS column is never less than LAST_EXECUTED.
EVENT_COMMENTThe text of the comment, if the event has one. If not, this value is empty.
ORIGINATORThe server ID of the MySQL server on which the event was created; used in replication. This value may be updated by ALTER EVENT to the server ID of the server on which that statement occurs, if executed on a replication source. The default value is 0.
CHARACTER_SET_CLIENTThe session value of the character_set_client system variable when the event was created.
COLLATION_CONNECTIONThe session value of the collation_connection system variable when the event was created.
DATABASE_COLLATIONThe collation of the database with which the event is associated.