Protobuf Guides
Never use required
As the project involving, any fields may become optional. But if it is defined as required, it can not be removed.
So required
should not be used.
Never change the ordinal
To be back compatible, the ordinal of the field SHOULD NOT be changed.
file name
The names of messages are all lowercase, with underscores between words.
Files should end in .proto
my_message.proto // Good
mymessage.proto // Bad
my_message.pb // Bad
Message Name
Message names start with a capital letter and have a capital letter for each new word, with no underscores, and with PB
as postfix: MyMessagePB
message MyMessagePB // Good
message MyMessage // Bad
message My_Message_PB // Bad
message myMessagePB // Bad
field name
The names of messages are all lowercase, with underscores between words.
optional int64 my_field = 3; // Good
optional int64 myField = 3; // Bad