ποΈ ST_AsText,ST_AsWKT
Converts a geometric figure to WKT (Well Known Text) format.
ποΈ ST_Circle
Converts a WKT (WEll Known Text) to a circle on the sphere of the earth.
ποΈ ST_Contains
Checks whether the geometric figure shape1 can fully contain shape2.
ποΈ ST_Distance_Sphere
Calculates the spherical distance between two points on the Earth in "meters". The parameters inputted are longitude at X, latitude at X, longitude at Y, latitude at Y.
ποΈ ST_GeometryFromText,ST_GeomFromText
Converts a WKT (Well Known Text) to the corresponding memory geometry.
ποΈ ST_LineFromText,ST_LineStringFromText
Converts a WKT (Well Known Text) to a memory representation in the form of Line.
ποΈ ST_Point
Returns the corresponding Point with the given X-coordinate and Y-coordinate. At the moment this value only makes sense on a spherical set. X/Y corresponds to longitude/latitude.
ποΈ ST_Polygon,ST_PolyFromText,ST_PolygonFromText
Converts a WKT (Well Known Text) to a corresponding polygon memory form.
ποΈ ST_X
If point is of a valid Point type, return the corresponding X-coordinate value.
ποΈ ST_Y
If point is of a valid Point type, return the corresponding Y-coordinate value.