ποΈ all_match
Returns whether all elements of an array match the given predicate.
ποΈ any_match
Returns whether any elements of an array match the given predicate.
ποΈ array_agg
Aggregates values (including NULL) in a column into an array (multiple rows to one row), and optionally order the elements by specific columns. From v3.0, array_agg() supports using ORDER BY to sort elements.
ποΈ array_append
Adds a new element to the end of the array. Returns an array.
ποΈ array_avg
Calculates the average value of all data in an ARRAY and return this result.
ποΈ array_concat
Concatenates multiple arrays into one array that contains all the elements in the arrays.
ποΈ array_contains
Checks whether the array contains a certain element. If yes, it returns 1; otherwise, it returns 0.
ποΈ array_contains_all
Checks whether arr1 contains all the elements of arr2, that is, whether arr2 is a subset of arr1. If yes, 1 is returned. If not, 0 is returned.
ποΈ array_contains_seq
Checks whether all the elements of array2 appear in array1 in the same exact order. Therefore, the function will return 1, if and only if array1 = prefix + array2 + suffix.
ποΈ array_cum_sum
Returns the cumulative sums of elements in an array.
ποΈ array_difference
Calculates the difference between every two neighboring elements of an array by subtracting each element from its following element and returns an array that consists of the differences.
ποΈ array_distinct
Removes duplicate elements from an array.
ποΈ array_filter
Returns values from an array that matches the given filter.
ποΈ array_generate
Returns an array of distinct values within the range specified by start and end, with an increment of step.
ποΈ array_intersect
Returns an array of the elements in the intersection of one or more arrays.
ποΈ array_join
Concatenates the elements of an array into a string.
ποΈ array_length
Returns the number of elements in an array. The result type is INT. If the input parameter is NULL, the result is also NULL. Null elements are counted in the length.
ποΈ array_map
array_map() is a higher-order SQL function that can take lambda functions as arguments.It applies the lambda function to the input arrays and returns a new array.
ποΈ array_max
Obtains the maximum value of all data in an ARRAY and return this result.
ποΈ array_min
Obtains the minimum value of all data in an ARRAY and return this result.
ποΈ array_position
Obtains the position of an element in an array.
ποΈ array_remove
Removes an element from an array.
ποΈ array_repeat
ποΈ array_slice
Returns a slice of an array. This function intercepts length elements from input from the position specified by offset.
ποΈ array_sort
Sorts the elements of an array in ascending order.
ποΈ array_sortby
Sorts elements in an array according to the ascending order of elements in another array or array converted from a lambda expression. For more information, see Lambda expression. This function is supported from v2.5.
ποΈ array_sum
Sums all the elements in an array.
ποΈ array_to_bitmap
Converts an array into BITMAP values. This function is supported from v2.3.
ποΈ array_unique_agg
Aggregates distinct values (including NULL) in an ARRAY column into an array (from multiple rows to one row).
ποΈ arrays_overlap
Checks whether the intersection of two arrays is empty. The arrays that you specify must be of the same data type. If the intersection is empty, this function returns 0. Otherwise, this function returns 1.
ποΈ cardinality
Returns the number of elements in an array. The result type is INT. If the input parameter is NULL, the result is also NULL. Null elements are counted in the length.
ποΈ element_at
Returns the element at the specified position (index) from a given array. If any parameter is NULL or if the position does not exist, the result is NULL.
ποΈ reverse
Reverses a string or array. Returns a string or array with the characters in the string or array elements in reverse order.
ποΈ unnest
UNNEST is a table function that takes an array and converts elements in that array into multiple rows of a table. The conversion is also known as "flattening".