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Version: 3.3

Table overview

Tables are units of data storage. Understanding the table structure in StarRocks and how to design an efficient table structure helps optimize data organization and enhance query efficiency. Also, compared to traditional databases, StarRocks can store complex semi-structured data such as JSON, ARRAY, in a columnar manner to improve query performance.

This topic introduces the table structure in StarRocks from both basic and general perspectives.

From v3.3.1 onwards, StarRocks supports creating temporary tables in the Default Catalog.

Get started with basic table structure

Like in other relational databases, a table is logically composed of rows and columns:

  • Rows: Each row holds a record. Each row contains a set of related data values.
  • Columns: Columns define attributes for each record. Each column holds data of a specific attribute. For example, an employee table may include columns like name, employee ID, department, and salary, where each column stores corresponding data. Data in each column is of the same data type. All rows in a table have the same number of columns.

It is simple to create a table in StarRocks. You just need to define columns and their data types in the CREATE TABLE statement to create a table. Example:

USE example_db;
CREATE TABLE user_access (
uid int,
name varchar(64),
age int,
phone varchar(16),
last_access datetime,
credits double
ORDER BY (uid, name);

The above CREATE TABLE example creates a Duplicate Key table. No constraint is added to columns in this type of table, so duplicate data rows can exist in the table. The first two columns of the Duplicate Key table are specified as sort columns to form the sort key. Data is stored after being sorted based on the sort key, which can accelerate indexing during queries.

Since v3.3.0, the Duplicate Key table supports specifying the sort key using ORDER BY. If both ORDER BY and DUPLICATE KEY are used, DUPLICATE KEY does not take effect.


If a StarRocks cluster in a staging environment contains only one BE, the number of replicas can be set to 1 in the PROPERTIES clause, such as PROPERTIES( "replication_num" = "1" ). The default number of replicas is 3, which is also the number recommended for production StarRocks clusters. If you want to use the default number, you do not need to configure the replication_num parameter.

Execute DESCRIBE to view the table schema.

MySQL [test]> DESCRIBE user_access;
| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| uid | int | YES | true | NULL | |
| name | varchar(64) | YES | true | NULL | |
| age | int | YES | false | NULL | |
| phone | varchar(16) | YES | false | NULL | |
| last_access | datetime | YES | false | NULL | |
| credits | double | YES | false | NULL | |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Execute SHOW CREATE TABLE to view the CREATE TABLE statement.

MySQL [example_db]> SHOW CREATE TABLE user_access\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Table: user_access
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `user_access` (
`uid` int(11) NULL COMMENT "",
`name` varchar(64) NULL COMMENT "",
`age` int(11) NULL COMMENT "",
`phone` varchar(16) NULL COMMENT "",
`last_access` datetime NULL COMMENT "",
`credits` double NULL COMMENT ""
DUPLICATE KEY(`uid`, `name`)
ORDER BY(`uid`, `name`)
"bucket_size" = "4294967296",
"compression" = "LZ4",
"fast_schema_evolution" = "true",
"replicated_storage" = "true",
"replication_num" = "3"
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

Understand comprehensive table structure

A deep dive into StarRocks table structures helps you design efficient data management structure tailored to your business needs.

Table types

StarRocks provides four types of tables which are Duplicate Key tables, Primary Key tables, Aggregate tables, and Unique Key tables, to store data for various business scenarios, such as raw data, frequently updated realtime data, and aggregated data.

  • Duplicate Key tables are simple and easy to use. No constraint is added to columns in this type of table, so duplicate data rows can exist in the table. Duplicate Key tables are suitable for storing raw data, such as logs, that does not need any constraints or pre-aggregation.
  • Primary Key tables are powerful. Both unique and non-null constraints are added to primary key columns. Primary Key tables support real-time frequent updates and partial column updates, while ensuring high query performance, and therefore are suitable for real-time queries scenarios.
  • Aggregate tables are suitable to store pre-aggregated data, helping reduce the amount of data scanned and calculated and improve efficiency for aggregation queries.
  • Unique tables are also suitable to store frequently updated realtime data. However this type of tables is being replaced by Primary Key tables, which are more powerful.

Data distribution

StarRocks uses a partitioning+bucketing two-tier data distribution strategy, to evenly distribute data across BEs. A well-designed data distribution strategy can effectively reduce the amount of data scanned and maximize StarRocks' concurrent processing capabilities, thereby increasing query performance.



The first level is partitioning: Data in tables can be divided into smaller data management units based on partitioning columns which are usually columns that hold dates and time. During queries, partition pruning can reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned, effectively optimizing query performance.

StarRocks provides an easy-to-use partitioning method, expression partitioning, and also offers more flexible methods like range and list partitioning.


The second level is bucketing: Data within a partition is further divided into smaller data management units through bucketing. Replicas of each bucket are evenly distributed across BEs to ensure high data availability.

StarRocks provides two bucketing methods:

  • Hash bucketing: Data is distributed into buckets based on the hash values of the bucketing key. You can select columns frequently used as condition columns in queries as bucketing columns, which helps improve query efficiency.
  • Random bucketing: Data is randomly distributed to buckets. This bucketing method is more simple and ease to use.

Data types

In addition to basic data types such as NUMERIC, DATE, and STRING, StarRocks supports complex semi-structured data types, including ARRAY, JSON, MAP, and STRUCT.


An index is a special data structure and is used as a pointer to data in a table. When the conditional columns in queries are indexed columns, StarRocks can swiftly locate the data that meets the conditions.

StarRocks provides built-in indexes: Prefix indexes, Ordinal indexes, and ZoneMap indexes. StarRocks also allows users to create indexes, that is, Bitmap indexes and Bloom Filter indexes, to further enhance query efficiency.


Constraints help ensure data integrity, consistency, and accuracy. The primary key columns in Primary Key tables must have unique and NOT NULL values. The aggregate key columns in Aggregate tables and the unique key columns in Unique Key tables must have unique values.

Temporary table

When processing data, you might need to save intermediate results for future reuse. In early versions, StarRocks only supports using CTE (Common Table Expressions) to define temporary results within a single query. However, CTEs are merely logical constructs, do not physically store the results, and cannot be used across different queries, which presents certain limitations. If you choose to create tables to save intermediate results, you will need to manage the lifecycle of these tables, which can be costly.

To address this issue, StarRocks introduces temporary tables in v3.3.1. Temporary tables allow you to temporarily store data (such as intermediate results from ETL processes) in a table, with their lifecycle bound to the session and managed by StarRocks. When the session ends, the temporary tables are automatically cleared. Temporary tables are only visible within the current session, and different sessions can create temporary tables with the same name.


You can use the TEMPORARY keyword in the following SQL statements to create and drop temporary tables:


Similar to other types of native tables, temporary tables must be create under a database under the Default Catalog. However, because temporary tables are session-based, they are not subject to unique naming constraints. You can create temporary tables with the same name in different sessions, or even create temporary tables with the same names as other non-temporary, native tables.

If there are temporary and non-temporary tables with the same name in a database, the temporary table takes precedence. Within the session, all queries and operations on the tables with the same name will only affect the temporary table.


While the usage of temporary tables is similar to that of native tables, there are some constraints and differences:

  • Temporary tables must be created in the Default Catalog.
  • Setting a colocate group is not supported. If the colocate_with property is explicitly specified during table creation, it will be ignored.
  • The ENGINE must be specified as olap during table creation.
  • ALTER TABLE statements are not supported.
  • Creating views and materialized views based on temporary tables is not supported.
  • EXPORT statements are not supported.
  • SELECT INTO OUTFILE statements are not supported.
  • Submitting asynchronous tasks with SUBMIT TASK for creating temporary tables is not supported.

More features

Apart from the above features, you can adopt more features based on your business requirements to design a more robust table structure. For example, using Bitmap and HLL columns to accelerate distinct counting, specifying generated columns or auto-increment columns to speed up some queries, configuring flexible and automatic storage cooldown methods to reduce maintenance costs, and configuring Colocate Join to speed up multi-table JOIN queries. For more details, see CREATE TABLE.