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Version: 3.3



Shows the execution information of Routine Load jobs.

You can manage Routine Load jobs that run on StarRocks tables only as a user who has the INSERT privilege on those StarRocks tables. If you do not have the INSERT privilege, follow the instructions provided in GRANT to grant the INSERT privilege to the user that you use to connect to your StarRocks cluster.


SHOW [ALL] ROUTINE LOAD [ FOR [<db_name>.]<job_name> | FROM <db_name> ]
[ ORDER BY field_name [ ASC | DESC ] ]
[ LIMIT { [offset, ] limit | limit OFFSET offset } ]

You can add the \G option to the statement (such as SHOW ROUTINE LOAD FOR <job_name>\G) to vertically display the return result rather than in the usual horizontal table format.


db_nameNoThe name of the database to which the load job belongs. Note that this parameter is required if the FROM clause is used.
job_nameNoThe name of the load job. Note that this parameter is required if the FOR clause is used.
ALLNoDisplays all load jobs, including those in the STOPPED or CANCELLED states.
STATENoThe status of the load job.
ORDER BY field_name [ASC | DESC]NoSorts the return result in ascending or descending order based on the specified field. The following fields are supported: Id, Name, CreateTime, PauseTime, EndTime, TableName, State, and CurrentTaskNum.
  • To sort the return result in ascending order, specify ORDER BY field_name ASC.
  • To sort the return result in descending order, specify ORDER BY field_name DESC.
If you do not specify the field or the sort order, the return result is sorted in ascending order of Id by default.
LIMIT limitNoThe number of load jobs that will be returned. For example, if LIMIT 10 is specified, only the information of 10 load jobs that match filter conditions will be returned. If this parameter is not specified, the information of all load jobs that match the filter conditions are displayed.
OFFSET offsetNoThe offset parameter defines the number of load jobs to be skipped. For example, OFFSET 5 skips the first five load jobs and returns the rest. The value of the offset parameter defaults to 0.


IdThe globally unique ID of the load job, generated automatically by StarRocks.
NameThe name of the load job.
CreateTimeThe date and time when the load job was created.
PauseTimeThe date and time when the load job entered PAUSED state.
EndTimeThe date and time when the load job entered STOPPED state.
DbNameThe database to which the target table of the load job belongs.
TableNameThe target table of the load job.
StateThe status of the load job, including:
  • NEED_SCHEDULE: The load job is waiting to be scheduled. After you use CREATE ROUTINE LOAD or RESUME ROUTINE LOAD to create or resume a Routine Load job, the load job first enters the NEED_SCHEDULE state.
  • RUNNING: The load job is running. You can view the consumption progress of the Routine Load job through Statistic and Progress.
  • PAUSED: The load job is paused. You can refer to ReasonOfStateChanged and ErrorLogUrls for troubleshooting. After fixing the error, you can use RESUME ROUTINE LOAD to resume the Routine Load job.
  • CANCELLED: The load job is cancelled. You can refer to ReasonOfStateChanged and ErrorLogUrls for troubleshooting. However, after fixing the error, you cannot recover the load job in this state.
  • STOPPED: The load job is stopped. You cannot recover the load job in this state.
  • UNSTABLE: The load job is unstable. A Routine Load job is set in the UNSTABLE state if any task within the Routine Load job lags (namely, the difference between the timestamp of the message being consumed and the current time exceeds this FE parameter routine_load_unstable_threshold_second, and unconsumed messages exist in the data source.)
DataSourceTypeThe type of the data source. Fixed value: KAFKA.
CurrentTaskNumThe current number of tasks in the load job.
JobPropertiesThe properties of the load job, such as partitions to be consumed and column mapping.
DataSourcePropertiesThe properties of the data source, such as Topic and the list of addresses and ports of brokers in the Kafka cluster.
CustomPropertiesThe additional data source-related properties defined in the load job.
StatisticThe statistic of loading data, such as successfully loaded rows, total rows, and received data volume.
ProgressThe progress (measured in the offset) of consuming messages in partitions of the topic.
TimestampProgressThe progress (measured in the timestamp) of consuming messages in partitions of the topic.
ReasonOfStateChangedThe reasons for the load job being in CANCELLED or PAUSED state.
ErrorLogUrlsThe URL of error logs. You can use the curl or wget command to access the URL.
TrackingSQLThe SQL command that you can directly run to query the error log information recorded in the information_schema database.
OtherMsgThe information about all failed load tasks of the Routine Load job.
LatestSourcePositionThe position of latest message in each partition of the topic, which helps check the latencies of data loading.


If a load job is successfully started and stays in the RUNNING state, the returned result might be as follows:

MySQL [example_db]> SHOW ROUTINE LOAD FOR example_tbl_ordertest1\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Id: 10204
Name: example_tbl_ordertest1
CreateTime: 2023-12-21 21:01:31
PauseTime: NULL
EndTime: NULL
DbName: example_db
TableName: example_tbl
DataSourceType: KAFKA
CurrentTaskNum: 1
JobProperties: {"partitions":"*","rowDelimiter":"\t","partial_update":"false","columnToColumnExpr":"order_id,pay_dt,customer_name,nationality,temp_gender,price","maxBatchIntervalS":"10","partial_update_mode":"null","whereExpr":"*","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","format":"csv","columnSeparator":"','","log_rejected_record_num":"0","taskTimeoutSecond":"60","json_root":"","maxFilterRatio":"1.0","strict_mode":"false","jsonpaths":"","taskConsumeSecond":"15","desireTaskConcurrentNum":"5","maxErrorNum":"0","strip_outer_array":"false","currentTaskConcurrentNum":"1","maxBatchRows":"200000"}
DataSourceProperties: {"topic":"lilyliuyitest4csv","currentKafkaPartitions":"0","brokerList":""}
CustomProperties: {"kafka_default_offsets":"OFFSET_BEGINNING","":"example_tbl_ordertest1_b05da08f-9b9d-4fe1-b1f2-25d7116d617c"}
Statistic: {"receivedBytes":313,"errorRows":0,"committedTaskNum":1,"loadedRows":6,"loadRowsRate":0,"abortedTaskNum":0,"totalRows":6,"unselectedRows":0,"receivedBytesRate":0,"taskExecuteTimeMs":699}
Progress: {"0":"5"}
TimestampProgress: {"0":"1686143856061"}
LatestSourcePosition: {"0":"6"}
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

If a load job is in the PAUSED or CANCELLED state due to exceptions, you can troubleshoot based on the ReasonOfStateChanged, ErrorLogUrls, TrackingSQL, and OtherMsg fields in the return result.

MySQL [example_db]> SHOW ROUTINE LOAD FOR example_tbl_ordertest2\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
Id: 10204
Name: example_tbl_ordertest2
CreateTime: 2023-12-22 12:13:18
PauseTime: 2023-12-22 12:13:38
EndTime: NULL
DbName: example_db
TableName: example_tbl
DataSourceType: KAFKA
CurrentTaskNum: 0
JobProperties: {"partitions":"*","rowDelimiter":"\t","partial_update":"false","columnToColumnExpr":"order_id,pay_dt,customer_name,nationality,temp_gender,price","maxBatchIntervalS":"10","partial_update_mode":"null","whereExpr":"*","timezone":"Asia/Shanghai","format":"csv","columnSeparator":"','","log_rejected_record_num":"0","taskTimeoutSecond":"60","json_root":"","maxFilterRatio":"1.0","strict_mode":"false","jsonpaths":"","taskConsumeSecond":"15","desireTaskConcurrentNum":"5","maxErrorNum":"0","strip_outer_array":"false","currentTaskConcurrentNum":"1","maxBatchRows":"200000"}
DataSourceProperties: {"topic":"mytest","currentKafkaPartitions":"0","brokerList":""}
CustomProperties: {"kafka_default_offsets":"OFFSET_BEGINNING","":"example_tbl_ordertest2_b3fada0f-6721-4ad1-920d-e4bf6d6ea7f7"}
Statistic: {"receivedBytes":541,"errorRows":10,"committedTaskNum":1,"loadedRows":6,"loadRowsRate":0,"abortedTaskNum":0,"totalRows":16,"unselectedRows":0,"receivedBytesRate":0,"taskExecuteTimeMs":646}
Progress: {"0":"19"}
TimestampProgress: {"0":"1702623900871"}
ReasonOfStateChanged: ErrorReason{errCode = 102, msg='current error rows is more than max error num'}
TrackingSQL: select tracking_log from information_schema.load_tracking_logs where job_id=10204
LatestSourcePosition: {"0":"20"}
1 row in set (0.00 sec)