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Version: 3.3



Alters a Routine Load job that is in the PAUSED state. You can execute PAUSE ROUTINE LOAD to pause a Routine Load job.

After successfully altering a Routine Load job, you can:

You can manage Routine Load jobs that run on StarRocks tables only as a user who has the INSERT privilege on those StarRocks tables. If you do not have the INSERT privilege, follow the instructions provided in GRANT to grant the INSERT privilege to the user that you use to connect to your StarRocks cluster.


ALTER ROUTINE LOAD FOR [<db_name>.]<job_name>
FROM data_source


  • [<db_name>.]<job_name>

    • db_name: Optional. The name of the StarRocks database.
    • job_name: Required. The name of the Routine Load job to be altered.
  • load_properties

    The properties of the source data to be loaded. The syntax is as follows:

    [COLUMNS TERMINATED BY '<column_separator>'],
    [ROWS TERMINATED BY '<row_separator>'],
    [COLUMNS ([<column_name> [, ...] ] [, column_assignment [, ...] ] )],
    [WHERE <expr>],
    [PARTITION ([ <partition_name> [, ...] ])]
    [TEMPORARY PARTITION (<temporary_partition1_name>[,<temporary_partition2_name>,...])]

    For detailed parameter descriptions, see CREATE ROUTINE LOAD.

  • job_properties

    The properties of the load job. The syntax is as follows:

    PROPERTIES ("<key1>" = "<value1>"[, "<key2>" = "<value2>" ...])

    Only the following parameters can be altered:

    • desired_concurrent_number

    • max_error_number

    • max_batch_interval

    • max_batch_rows

    • max_batch_size

    • jsonpaths

    • json_root

    • strip_outer_array

    • strict_mode

    • timezone

    For detailed parameter descriptions, see CREATE ROUTINE LOAD.

  • data_source and data_source_properties

    • data_source

      Required. The source of the data you want to load. Valid value: KAFKA.

    • data_source_properties

      The properties of the data source. Currently, only the following properties can be altered:

      • kafka_partitions and kafka_offsets: Note that StarRocks only supports modifying the offset of Kafka partitions that have already been consumed but does not support adding new Kafka partitions.
      • property.*: Custom parameters for the data source Kafka, such as property.kafka_default_offsets.


  1. The following example increases the value of the property desired_concurrent_number of the load job to 5 in order to increase the parallelism of load tasks.

    ALTER ROUTINE LOAD FOR example_tbl_ordertest
    "desired_concurrent_number" = "5"
  2. The following example alters the load job's properties and data source information at the same time.

    ALTER ROUTINE LOAD FOR example_tbl_ordertest
    "desired_concurrent_number" = "5"
    "kafka_partitions" = "0, 1, 2",
    "kafka_offsets" = "100, 200, 100",
    "" = "new_group"
  3. The following example alters the filtering condition and the StarRocks partitions that data is loaded into at the same time.

    ALTER ROUTINE LOAD FOR example_tbl_ordertest
    WHERE pay_dt < 2023-06-31
    PARTITION (p202306);