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Version: 3.3



Checks whether a given expression fuzzy matches the specified pattern. If yes, 1 is returned. Otherwise, 0 is returned. NULL is returned if any of the input parameter is NULL.

LIKE is usually used together with characters such as the percent sign (%) and underscore (_). % matches 0, 1, or more characters. _ matches any single character.


BOOLEAN like(VARCHAR expr, VARCHAR pattern);


  • expr: the string expression. The supported data type is VARCHAR.

  • pattern: the pattern to match. The supported data type is VARCHAR.

Return value

Returns a BOOLEAN value.


mysql> select like("star","star");
| like('star', 'star') |
| 1 |

mysql> select like("starrocks","star%");
| like('star', 'star') |
| 1 |

mysql> select like("starrocks","star_");
| like('starrocks', 'star_') |
| 0 |