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Version: 3.3

Hive Bitmap UDF

Hive Bitmap UDF provides UDFs that can be directly used in Hive. They can be used to generate Bitmap data and perform Bitmap-related calculations.

The Bitmap format defined by Hive Bitmap UDF is consistent with the format in StarRocks and can be directly used for loading Bitmap data into StarRocks and unloading Bitmap data from StarRocks to Hive.

Applicable scenarios:

  • The amount of raw data is large and directly loading these data into StarRocks for computing will cause tremendous pressure on StarRocks clusters. The desired solution is generating Bitmap data in Hive and then loading Bitmap into StarRocks.
  • Export the Bitmap data generated in StarRocks to Hive for other systems to use.

Supported source and target data types:

  • v3.1 and later support loading and unloading data of these types: String, Base64, and Binary.
  • v2.5 and v3.0 only support loading and unloading of String and Base64 data.

Hive Bitmap UDFs that can be generated

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDAFBitmapAgg

    Combines multiple rows of non-null values in a column into one row of Bitmap values, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in aggregate function bitmap_agg.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDAFBitmapUnion

    Calculates the union of a set of bitmaps, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in aggregate function bitmap_union.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBase64ToBitmap

    Converts a base64-encoded string into a bitmap, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function base64_to_bitmap.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapAnd

    Calculates the intersection of two bitmaps, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_and.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapCount

    Counts the number of values in the bitmap, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_count.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapFromString

    Converts a comma-separated string to a bitmap, equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_from_string.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapOr

    Calculates the union of two bitmaps, equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_or.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapToBase64

    Converts Bitmap to Base64 string, equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_to_base64.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapToString

    Converts a bitmap to a comma-separated string, equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_to_string.

  • com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapXor

    Calculates the set of unique elements in two Bitmaps, which is equivalent to StarRocks' built-in function bitmap_xor.

How to use

  1. Compile and generate Hive UDF on the FE.

    ./ --hive-udf

    A JAR package hive-udf-1.0.0.jar will be generated in the fe/hive-udf/ directory.

  2. Upload the JAR package to HDFS.

    hadoop  fs -put -f ./hive-udf-1.0.0.jar hdfs://<hdfs_ip>:<hdfs_port>/hive-udf-1.0.0.jar
  3. Load the JAR package to Hive.

    hive> add jar hdfs://<hdfs_ip>:<hdfs_port>/hive-udf-1.0.0.jar;
  4. Load UDF functions.

    hive> create temporary function bitmap_agg as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDAFBitmapAgg';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_union as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDAFBitmapUnion';
    hive> create temporary function base64_to_bitmap as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBase64ToBitmap';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_and as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapAnd';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_count as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapCount';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_from_string as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapFromString';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_or as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapOr';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_to_base64 as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapToBase64';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_to_string as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapToString';
    hive> create temporary function bitmap_xor as 'com.starrocks.hive.udf.UDFBitmapXor';

Usage examples

Generate Bitmap in Hive and load it into StarRocks in Binary format

  1. Create a Hive source table.

    hive> create table t_src(c1 bigint, c2 bigint) stored as parquet;

    hive> insert into t_src values (1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (2,4), (2,5);

    hive> select * from t_src;
    1 1
    1 2
    1 3
    2 4
    2 5
  2. Create a Hive bitmap table.

    hive> create table t_bitmap(c1 bigint, c2 binary) stored as parquet;

    Hive generates bitmap through UDFBitmapAgg and writes it into the bitmap table.

    hive> insert into t_bitmap select c1, bitmap_agg(c2) from t_src group by c1;
  3. Create a StarRocks Bitmap table.

    mysql> create table t1(c1 int, c2 bitmap bitmap_union) aggregate key(c1)  distributed by hash(c1);
  4. Load Bitmap data into StarRocks in different ways.

    • Load data via the files function.
    mysql> insert into t1 select c1, bitmap_from_binary(c2) from files (
    "path" = "hdfs://<hdfs_ip>:<hdfs_port>/<hdfs_db>/t_bitmap/*",
    "compression" = "uncompressed"
    mysql> insert into t1 select c1, bitmap_from_binary(c2) from hive_catalog_hms.xxx_db.t_bitmap;
  5. View the results.

    mysql> select c1, bitmap_to_string(c2) from t1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
    | c1 | bitmap_to_string(c2) |
    | 1 | 1,2,3 |
    | 2 | 4,5 |

Export Bitmap from StarRocks to Hive

  1. Create a Bitmap table in StarRocks and write data into this table.

    mysql> create table t1(c1 int, c2 bitmap bitmap_union) aggregate key(c1) buckets 3 distributed by hash(c1);

    mysql> select c1, bitmap_to_string(c2) from t1;
    | c1 | bitmap_to_string(c2) |
    | 1 | 1,2,3 |
    | 2 | 4,5 |
  2. Create a Bitmap table in Hive.

    hive> create table t_bitmap(c1 bigint, c2 binary) stored as parquet;
  3. Export data in different ways.

    • Export data via INSERT INTO FILES (Binary format).
    mysql> insert into files (
    "path" = "hdfs://<hdfs_ip>:<hdfs_port>/<hdfs_db>/t_bitmap/",
    "compression" = "uncompressed"
    ) select c1, bitmap_to_binary(c2) as c2 from t1;
    mysql> insert into hive_catalog_hms.<hdfs_db>.t_bitmap select c1, bitmap_to_binary(c2) from t1;
  4. View results in Hive.

    hive> select c1, bitmap_to_string(c2) from t_bitmap;
    1 1,2,3
    2 4,5