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Version: 3.3


Query the value mapped to the key in a dictionary object.


dictionary_get('dictionary_object_name', key_expression_list, [NULL_IF_NOT_EXIST])

key_expression_list ::=
key_expression [, ...]

key_expression ::=
column_name | const_value


  • dictionary_name: The name of the dictionary object.
  • key_expression_list: A list of expressions for all key columns. It can be a list of column names or a list of values.
  • NULL_IF_NOT_EXIST (Optional): Whether to return if the key does not exist in the dictionary cache. Valid values:
    • true: Null is returned if the key does not exist.
    • false (Default): An exception is thrown if the key does not exist.


Returns the values of value columns as a STRUCT type. Therefore, you can use [N] or .<column_name> to specify a particular column's value. N represents the column's position, starting from 1.


The following examples uses the dataset from the examples of dict_mapping.

  • Example 1: Query the values of the value column mapped to the key column order_uuid in the dictionary object dict_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get('dict_obj', order_uuid) FROM dict;
    | {"order_id_int":1} |
    | {"order_id_int":3} |
    | {"order_id_int":2} |
    3 rows in set (0.02 sec)
  • Example 2: Query the value of the value column mapped to key a1 in the dictionary object dict_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get("dict_obj", "a1");
    | {"order_id_int":1} |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • Example 3: Query the values of the value columns mapped to key 1 in the dictionary object dimension_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get("dimension_obj", 1);
    | {"ProductName":"T-Shirt","Category":"Apparel","SubCategory":"Shirts","Brand":"BrandA","Color":"Red","Size":"M"} |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • Example 4: Query the value of the first value column mapped to key 1 in the dictionary object dimension_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get("dimension_obj", 1)[1];
    | T-Shirt |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • Example 5: Query the value of the second value column mapped to key 1 in the dictionary object dimension_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get("dimension_obj", 1)[2];
    | Apparel |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)
  • Example 6: Query the value of ProductName value column mapped to key 1 in the dictionary object dimension_obj.

    MySQL > SELECT dictionary_get("dimension_obj", 1).ProductName;
    | DICTIONARY_GET.ProductName |
    | T-Shirt |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)