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Version: 3.3



Parses a date or time string according to the specified format and converts the string to a DATETIME value.


DATETIME to_tera_timestamp(VARCHAR str, VARCHAR format)


  • str: the time expression to convert. It must be of the VARCHAR type.

  • format: the time format specifier for str. It is used to parse and convert the input string. format must match string. Otherwise, NULL is returned. If format is invalid, an error is returned.

    The following table describes the format elements.

    [ \r \n \t - / , . ;]Punctuation characters that are ignored in conversion
    ddDay of month (1 - 31)
    hhHour of day (1 - 12)
    hh24Hour of day (0 - 23)
    miMinute (0 - 59)
    mmMonth (01 - 12)
    ssSecond (0 - 59)
    yyyy4-digit year.
    yy2-digit year.
    amMeridian indicator.
    pmMeridian indicator.


select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08","yyyy/mm/dd");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08', 'yyyy/mm/dd') |
| 1988-04-08 00:00:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("04-08-1988","mm-dd-yyyy");
| to_tera_timestamp('04-08-1988', 'mm-dd-yyyy') |
| 1988-04-08 00:00:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("04.1988,08","mm.yyyy,dd");
| to_tera_timestamp('04.1988,08', 'mm.yyyy,dd') |
| 1988-04-08 00:00:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08 2","yyyy/mm/dd hh");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08 2', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh') |
| 1988-04-08 02:00:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08 14","yyyy/mm/dd hh24");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08 14', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24') |
| 1988-04-08 14:00:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08 14:15","yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08 14:15', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi') |
| 1988-04-08 14:15:00 |

select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08 2:3:4","yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08 2:3:4', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') |
| 1988-04-08 02:03:04 |

select to_tera_timestamp("1988/04/08 02 am:3:4","yyyy/mm/dd hh am:mi:ss");
| to_tera_timestamp('1988/04/08 02 am:3:4', 'yyyy/mm/dd hh am:mi:ss') |
| 1988-04-08 02:03:04 |
