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Version: 3.3



Returns an array containing a given element repeated a specified number of times.


array_repeat(element, count)


  • element: The element to be repeated can be any data type supported by StarRocks.

  • count: The number of repetitions, of type INT.

Return value

The data type of the return value is the ARRAY type of element.

Usage notes

  • When count is less than 1, an empty array is returned.
  • When the element parameter is NULL, the result is an array consisting of count NULLs.
  • When the count parameter is NULL, the result is NULL.


Example 1:

mysql> select array_repeat(1,5) as res;
| res |
| [1,1,1,1,1] |

Example 2:

mysql> select  array_repeat([1,2],3) as res;
| res |
| [[1,2],[1,2],[1,2]] |

Example 3:

mysql> select array_repeat(1,-1) as res;
| res |
| [] |

Example 4:

mysql> select  array_repeat(null,3) as res;
| res |
| NULL |

Example 5:

mysql> CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (COLA INT, COLB INT) PROPERTIES ("replication_num"="1");
mysql> INTO test (COLA, COLB) VALUES (1, 3), (NULL, 3), (2, NULL);
mysql> select array_repeat(COLA,COLB) from test;
| array_repeat(COLA, COLB) |
| [1,1,1] |
| [null,null,null] |
| NULL |