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Version: 3.3


loads provides the results of load jobs. This view is supported from StarRocks v3.1 onwards. Currently, you can only view the results of Broker Load and INSERT jobs from this view.

The following fields are provided in loads:

JOB_IDThe unique ID assigned by StarRocks to identify the load job.
LABELThe label of the load job.
DATABASE_NAMEThe name of the database to which the destination StarRocks tables belong.
STATEThe state of the load job. Valid values:
  • PENDING: The load job is created.
  • QUEUEING: The load job is in the queue waiting to be scheduled.
  • LOADING: The load job is running.
  • PREPARED: The transaction has been committed.
  • FINISHED: The load job succeeded.
  • CANCELLED: The load job failed.
PROGRESSThe progress of the ETL stage and LOADING stage of the load job.
TYPEThe type of the load job. For Broker Load, the return value is BROKER. For INSERT, the return value is INSERT.
PRIORITYThe priority of the load job. Valid values: HIGHEST, HIGH, NORMAL, LOW, and LOWEST.
SCAN_ROWSThe number of data rows that are scanned.
FILTERED_ROWSThe number of data rows that are filtered out due to inadequate data quality.
UNSELECTED_ROWSThe number of data rows that are filtered out due to the conditions specified in the WHERE clause.
SINK_ROWSThe number of data rows that are loaded.
ETL_INFOThe ETL details of the load job. A non-empty value is returned only for Spark Load. For any other types of load jobs, an empty value is returned.
TASK_INFOThe task execution details of the load job, such as the timeout and max_filter_ratio settings.
CREATE_TIMEThe time at which the load job was created. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
ETL_START_TIMEThe start time of the ETL stage of the load job. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
ETL_FINISH_TIMEThe end time of the ETL stage of the load job. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
LOAD_START_TIMEThe start time of the LOADING stage of the load job. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
LOAD_FINISH_TIMEThe end time of the LOADING stage of the load job. Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss. Example: 2023-07-24 14:58:58.
JOB_DETAILSThe details about the data loaded, such as the number of bytes and the number of files.
ERROR_MSGThe error message of the load job. If the load job did not encounter any error, NULL is returned.
TRACKING_URLThe URL from which you can access the unqualified data row samples detected in the load job. You can use the curl or wget command to access the URL and obtain the unqualified data row samples. If no unqualified data is detected, NULL is returned.
TRACKING_SQLThe SQL statement that can be used to query the tracking log of the load job. A SQL statement is returned only when the load job involves unqualified data rows. If the load job does not involve any unqualified data rows, NULL is returned.
REJECTED_RECORD_PATHThe path from which you can access all the unqualified data rows that are filtered out in the load job. The number of unqualified data rows logged is determined by the log_rejected_record_num parameter configured in the load job. You can use the wget command to access the path. If the load job does not involve any unqualified data rows, NULL is returned.