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Version: 3.3


Querybook supports querying and visualizing both internal data and external data in StarRocks.


Make sure that you have finished the following preparations:

  1. Clone and download the Querybook repository.

    git clone
    cd querybook
  2. Create a file named local.txt under the requirements folder in the project's root directory.

    touch requirements/local.txt
  3. Add the required packages.

    echo -e "starrocks\nmysqlclient" > requirements/local.txt 
  4. Start the container.



Visit the following URL and add a new query engine:



Take note of the following points:

  • For Language, select Starrocks.

  • For Executor, select sqlalchemy.

  • For Connection_string, enter a URI in the StarRocks SQLAlchemy URI format as below:


    The parameters in the URI are described as follows:

    • User: the username that is used to log in to your StarRocks cluster, for example, admin.
    • Password: the password that is used to log in to your StarRocks cluster.
    • Host: the FE host IP address of your StarRocks cluster.
    • Port: the FE query port of your StarRocks cluster, for example, 9030.
    • Catalog: the target catalog in your StarRocks cluster. Both internal and external catalogs are supported.
    • Database: the target database in your StarRocks cluster. Both internal and external databases are supported.