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Version: 3.3

Post-deployment setup

This topic describes tasks that you should perform after deploying StarRocks.

Before getting your new StarRocks cluster into production, you must secure the initial account and set the necessary variables and properties to allow your cluster to run properly.

Secure initial account

Upon the creation of a StarRocks cluster, the initial root user of the cluster is generated automatically. The root user is granted the root privileges, which are the collection of all privileges within the cluster. We recommend you secure this user account and avoid using it in production to prevent misuse.

StarRocks automatically assigns an empty password to the root user when the cluster is created. Follow these procedures to set a new password for the root user:

  1. Connect to StarRocks via your MySQL client with the username root and an empty password.

    # Replace <fe_address> with the IP address (priority_networks) or FQDN 
    # of the FE node you connect to, and replace <query_port>
    # with the query_port (Default: 9030) you specified in fe.conf.
    mysql -h <fe_address> -P<query_port> -uroot
  2. Reset the password of the root user by executing the following SQL:

    -- Replace <password> with the password you want to assign to the root user.
    SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('<password>')
  • Keep the password properly after resetting it. If you forgot the password, see Reset lost root password for detailed instructions.
  • After completing the post-deployment setup, you can create new users and roles to manage the privileges within your team. See Manage user privileges for detailed instructions.

Set necessary system variables

To allow your StarRocks cluster to work properly in production, you need to set the following system variables:



The boolean switch that controls whether to send the profile of a query for analysis. The default value is false, which means no profile is required. Setting this variable to true can affect the concurrency of StarRocks.


  • Set enable_profile to false globally:

    SET GLOBAL enable_profile = false;



The boolean switch that controls whether to enable the pipeline execution engine. true indicates enabled and false indicates the opposite. Default value: true.


  • Set enable_pipeline_engine to true globally:

    SET GLOBAL enable_pipeline_engine = true;



The number of instances used to scan nodes on each BE. The default value is 1.

If you have enabled the pipeline engine, you can set this variable to 1. If you have not enabled the pipeline engine, you should set it to half the number of CPU cores.

  • Set parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num to 1 globally:

    SET GLOBAL parallel_fragment_exec_instance_num = 1;

For more information about system variables, see System variables.

Set user property

If you have created new users in your cluster, you need to enlarge their maximum connection number (to 1000, for example):

-- Replace <username> with the username you want to enlarge the maximum connection number for.
ALTER USER '<username>' SET PROPERTIES ("max_user_connections" = "1000");

What to do next

After deploying and setting up your StarRocks cluster, you can then proceed to design tables that best work for your scenarios. See Understand StarRocks table design for detailed instructions on designing a table.