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Version: 2.5



You can use the REVOKE statement to perform the following operations:

  • Revoke specific privileges from a user or a role.
  • Revoke the privilege that allows a user to impersonate another user to perform operations. This feature is supported only in StarRock 2.4 and later versions.
  • Revoke a role from a user. This feature is supported only in StarRock 2.4 and later versions.


  • Revoke specific privileges on a database and a table from a user or a role. The role from which you want to revoke privileges must already exist.

    REVOKE privilege_list ON db_name.tbl_name FROM {user_identity | ROLE 'role_name'}
  • Revoke specific privileges on a resource from a user or a role. The role from which you want to revoke privileges must already exist.

    REVOKE privilege_list ON RESOURCE 'resource_name' FROM {user_identity | ROLE 'role_name'};
  • Revoke the privilege that allows user a to impersonate user b to perform operations.

    REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON user_identity_b FROM user_identity_a;
  • Revoke a role from a user. The role must already exist.

    REVOKE 'role_name' FROM user_identity;



The privileges that can be revoked from a user or a role. If you want to revoke multiple privileges at a time, separate the privileges with commas (,). You can revoke the following privileges:

  • NODE_PRIV: the privilege to manage cluster nodes such as enabling nodes and disabling nodes. This privilege can only be granted to the root user.
  • ADMIN_PRIV: all privileges except NODE_PRIV.
  • GRANT_PRIV: the privilege of performing operations such as creating users and roles, deleting users and roles, granting privileges, revoking privileges, and setting passwords for accounts.
  • SELECT_PRIV: the read privilege on databases and tables.
  • LOAD_PRIV: the privilege to load data into databases and tables.
  • ALTER_PRIV: the privilege to change schemas of databases and tables.
  • CREATE_PRIV: the privilege to create databases and tables.
  • DROP_PRIV: the privilege to delete databases and tables.
  • USAGE_PRIV: the privilege to use resources.


The database and table. This parameter supports the following three formats:

  • *.*: indicates all databases and tables in the cluster.
  • db.*: indicates a specific database and all tables in this database.
  • db.tbl: indicates a specific table in a specific database.

Note: When you use the db.* or db.tbl format, you can specify a database or a table that does not exist.


The resource name. This parameter supports the following two formats:

  • *: indicates all the resources.
  • resource: indicates a specific resource.

Note: When you use the resource format, you can specify a resource that does not exist.


This parameter contains two parts: user_name and host. user_name indicates the user name. host indicates the IP address of the user. You can leave host unspecified or you can specify a domain for host. If you leave host unspecified, host defaults to %, which means you can access StarRocks from any host. If you specify a domain for host, it may take one minute for the privilege to take effect. The user_identity parameter must be created by the CREATE USER statement.


Example 1: Revoke the read privilege on all tables in database db1 from user jack.

REVOKE SELECT_PRIV ON db1.* FROM 'jack'@'192.%';

Example 2: Revoke the privilege to use spark_resource from user jack.

REVOKE USAGE_PRIV ON RESOURCE 'spark_resource' FROM 'jack'@'192.%';

Example 3: Revoke my_role from user jack.

REVOKE 'my_role' FROM 'jack'@'%';

Example 4: Revoke the privilege that allows user jack to impersonate rose to perform operations.

REVOKE IMPERSONATE ON 'rose'@'%' FROM 'jack'@'%';